Very chuffed at FoxleyTowers: got up at 7.30am and after feeding the wild birds, I made a pot of tea and got straight into writing; I’ve not written for eight days and really wanted to get back into my potential author chair…

I set about reviewing and editing another chapter of my SelfBook. Writing the background chapter has been quite difficult for me; it’s about the lead up to and onset of my health condition and before my first diagnosis. I’ve had to dig deep with honesty without being cathartic; I’ve now finished the chapter…

I’d had a break mid-morning and my next door neighbour asked me whether I would like her to trim my hedge at the front of my house with her hedge trimmer; she wanted something to do outside so she could exercise and get some fresh air…😁

So, I’ve finished another chapter of my book and the hedge at the front of the house has had the front and top trimmed, it’s been a very productive day! …🙏

Nibbling away doing things I enjoy doing…